Modulo di news

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Il modulo delle news Dow Jones offre notizie locali e internazionali aggiornate in tempo reale, commenti esclusivi e analisi sui titoli che la interessano. La sua integrazione nella piattaforma di ProRealTime fornisce uno strumento potente e facile da usare per il processo decisionale.

I vantaggi di questo modulo di news

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Pacchetti di news

Pacchetto di News Finanziarie in italiano - Azioni

ProRealTime News - MF Dow Jones Global (Italiano)

Regione coperta: Mondo con un focus sull'Italia




Valute rilevanti per l'Italia

ProRealTime Lingua: Italiano

ProRealTime News al giorno: Più di 700

ProRealTime Orari : Lunedi'-Venerdi' 07:30-19:30 (ora italiana)

  • Descrizione: Notizie e commenti sulle società quotate, analisi e focus sugli utili, operazioni di M&A e aggiornamento delle quotazioni delle società italiane e delle principali europee, asiatiche e americane; Copertura degli indicatori macro dei paesi G7 e delle principali Banche Centrali (Fed, BCE, BOE e BOJ); I Temi Politici - Sintesi dei principali sviluppi politici.
  • Rubriche popolari: In agenda oggi - Riassunto dei principali avvenimenti appena accaduti in America e Asia e anteprima di quelli Europei, Market Talk - continui aggiornamenti dei nostri esperti sui mercati di azioni, fixed income e Forex.


Pacchetto di News Finanziarie in inglese: Azioni

ProRealTime News - Dow Jones European Equities Spotlight

Region covered: Europe



ProRealTime Language: English

ProRealTime News per day: Up to 1500

ProRealTime Hours: 24 hours / day

  • Description: Coverage of equities from major European exchanges including economic indicators, expert commentary, central bank decisions and policy, government and political news, monitoring of all corporate press releases, earnings previews, mergers and acquisitions and new product announcements, coverage of European corporate and government bond markets.
  • Popular Columns: Economic calendars, DJ News Highlights - top stories of the day, DJ Market Talk - rolling commentary triggered by news events, technical factors and forecasts.

Note: This pack is reserved for non-professional investors. 

ProRealTime News - Dow Jones Global Equities News

Region covered: World




ProRealTime Language: English

ProRealTime News per day: Up to 9000

ProRealTime Hours: 24 hours / day

  • Description: Global equities news, economic indicators, expert commentary, central bank decisions and policy, government and political news, monitoring of all corporate press releases, earnings previews, mergers and acquisitions and new product announcements, coverage of corporate and government bond markets.
  • Popular Columuns: Economic calendars, DJ News Highlights - top stories of the day, DJ Morning Briefing, DJ Charting Europe - Technical Analysis, Hot Stocks - US Hot stocks, DJ Market Talk - rolling commentary triggered by news events and technical factors / forecasts, Heard on the Street - analysis and commentary.


Pacchetto di News Finanziarie in inglese: Forex

ProRealTime News - Dow Jones FX Select

Region Covered: World


(major pairs)

ProRealTime Language: English

ProRealTime News per day: Up to 650

ProRealTime Hours: 24 hours / day

  • Description: Forex news focused on major pairs, expert commentary and analysis, summaries from different markets, economic indicators, monitoring of central banks, coverage of legislative and regulatory shifts, trade negotiations and bank officials, technical comments and overviews.
  • Popular Columns: Charting forex - technical analysis, DJ FX Chat, Heard on the Street - analysis and commentary.

Note: This pack is reserved for non-professional investors. 

ProRealTime News - Dow Jones Global FX and Fixed Income

Region Covered: World



Debt & Fixed

ProRealTime Language: English

ProRealTime News per day: Up to 3000

ProRealTime Hours: 24 hours / day

  • Description: Global Forex, Debt & Fixed income news expert commentary and analysis, summaries from different markets, economic indicators, monitoring of central banks, coverage of legislative and regulatory shifts, trade negotiations and bank officials, technical comments and overviews. Corporate actions news: Corporate actions at debt issuers, ratings agency reports, coverage of equities.
  • Popular Columns: Charting forex - technical analysis, DJ FX Chat, DJ Credit markets, Economic calendars, DJ Market Talk - Currency market commentary, Big Picture - Perspective on the economic landscape, Money Talks - Analysis of macroeconomics and monetary policy, Heard on the Street - analysis and commentary, Abreast of the Market from the wall street journal, Barron's Blog.


News in altre lingue - Azioni

ProRealTime News - Dow Jones Bourse Professional (Français)

Region couverte: Monde avec un focus sur la France




Devises pertients pour la France

ProRealTime Langue: Français

ProRealTime News par jour: Up to 300

ProRealTime Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi de 07:00 à 23:00 (heure de Paris)

  • Contenu: Couverture en langue française des actions, obligations et devises internationales liées à la France, indicateurs économiques pour la France et pour d'autres pays du G7, actualités nationales et politiques de l'Agence France-Presse.
  • Rubriques populaires: DJ Plus : Commentaires et opinions sur les principales entreprises et secteurs français. DJ Plus Europe et DJ Plus USA : Analyse des entreprises et des secteurs et interviews des grands acteurs. DJ Echo Bourse : Commentaires en continu sur l'évolution des titres et des marchés. DJ Bilan du Matin : aperçu des marchés français et résumé des transactions nord-américaines et asiatiques de la nuit. DJ Recap Weekend : Compilation des principales actualités du weekend le lundi matin. DJ Analyse Technique : Commentaires sur l'évolution des marchés.


ProRealTime News - EFE-Dow Jones Professional (Español)

Cobertura regional: Mundial con enfoque en España




Divisas relacionados con España

ProRealTime Idioma: Español

ProRealTime Noticias al dìa: Hasta 210

ProRealTime Horas : Lunes-Viernes 08:00-1:00 (hora española)

  • Descripción: Cobertura de empresas españolas de pequeña y mediana capitalización y principales valores globales; comentarios en profundidad sobre valores, bonos y divisas relacionados con España, así como cobertura de Latibex, materias primas y energía; noticias económicas y eventos en España y países del G7; cobertura de los mercados de bonos y de divisas; información en profundidad sobre asuntos legales y regulatorios; análisis detallados, entrevistas e informes sobre los principales temas empresariales y financieros de España; eventos relacionados con el G7 con una semana de antelación y calendarios de ofertas públicas de acciones; noticias nacionales y políticas de la Agencia EFE.
  • Columnas destacadas: EFEDJ BOLETÍN MATINAL - Avance de noticias sobre cotizaciones en Asia y Norteamérica y de los mercados europeos; DJ Market talk & EFEDJ Market Talk - comentarios de expertos centrados en el USD, EUR y JPY; Heard On The Street.


ProRealTime News - Dow Jones Global (Deutsch)

Marktabdeckung: Weltweit mit Fokus auf Deutschland




Aktien, Anleihen, Währungen mit Bezug auf Deutschland

ProRealTime Sprache: Deutsch

ProRealTime Nachrichten pro Tag: Bis zu 700

ProRealTime Zeiten: Montag-Freitag 07:00-0:00 (Deutsche Zeit), Samstag: 09:00-16:00 (Deutsche Zeit), Sonntag: 11:00-21:30 (Deutsche Zeit)

  • Beschreibung: Deutschsprachiger Nachrichtendienst für Deutsche und Internationale Aktien, Futures, Anleihen und Währungen, Analysen nach Wirtschaftssektor, Abdeckung von Future-Märkten wie Eurex, Bund und andere Staatsanleihen, Wirtschaftsindikatoren für Deutschland und andere G7-Staaten, Pressemitteilungen und Nachrichtenzusammenfassungen, wöchentlicher Marktausblick.
  • Beliebte Spalten: Morning Briefing - Handelsüberblick über Nordamerika und Asien während der Nachtstunden und europäische Marktvorschau, DJ Top DE und DJ Top EU: Analyse von Unternehmen und Wirtschaftssektoren sowie Interviews mit großen Marktakteuren.


Tradare può esporti a rischi di perdita superiori ai tuoi depositi ed è destinato unicamente ad una clientela attenta che possiede la capacità finanziaria adeguata a sostenere un tale rischio. Nessuna informazione fornita in questo sito rappresenta una consulenza finanziaria o un’incitazione ad acquistare o vendere strumenti finanziari.