Trading with STREAM DECK

Learn how to place your orders and manage your positions with Stream Deck.

Video created by Benoist Rousseau,
proprietary trader and writer of the blog

Make trading more comfortable and efficient


Place your orders on one or multiple instruments without needing to move your mouse. Move your stop and limit orders up or down with high speed.

Manage your positions more efficiently

Place OCO order.
Place Limits on the Bid or Ask to better control the price and timing of your position entries and exits.

Continuous information

Display of information important to you (price, bid/ask, P&L, …) stays visible on your Stream Deck even if you change applications, for example to answer an email.

A more enjoyable way to trade

Benefit from a comfortable and completely customizable interface for more enjoyment during your trading sessions.

User feedback

Adapt the interface to your way of trading

You can configure the buttons of your Stream Deck to:

  • Display in real-time the latest Bid/Ask of the instruments you follow.
  • Display the value of your portfolio.
  • Monitor your open positions.
  • Place Market, Limit, Stop or OCO orders.
  • Move your Limit and Stop orders.
  • Close or invert a position, cancel all your orders at once.
  • Open windows of your platform (list, chart, order list, …).

Example configurations

Stream deck - Single instrument

How to configure your Stream Deck

Video created by Benoist Rousseau,
proprietary trader and writer of the blog

Quickly switch between your different configurations

Create several different configurations for your Stream Deck
to meet your different needs.

Assign a keyboard shortcut to each configuration.

Instantly change the display of your Stream Deck from one configuration to another!

Dark or light theme

Choose between the light or dark theme and configure the brightness of your Stream Deck buttons.

Stream Deck - Themes

Compatible with almost all systems

Windows Apple Linux
Compatible with ProRealTime v11 and above: ProRealTime for Windows 10, Windows 8 ProRealTime for macOS ProRealTime for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, …)
STREAM DECK (15 buttons)
STREAM DECK XL (32 buttons)

Compatibility checked in December 2019 and may change with updates of these operating systems.

Where to get a Stream Deck

Stream Deck 32 - Amazon

249.99 £ (289.41 €)

shipping included

Stream Deck 32 - ReadyForTrading

237.00 €

shipping included

Based on prices checked on 03/03/2021.